voice of kamwenge

voice of kamwenge

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Ugandan Bishops to boycott 2020 Lambeth Conference in protest for same-sex marriage|Vok news

voice of kamwenge
Ugandan Bishops have resolved to boycott the 2020
Lambeth Conference, in protest of the endorsement of same-sex marriages and the admission of gay clergy by Canterbury, the seat of Anglican Church worldwide.
The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda The Most Rev
Stanley Ntagali revealed the decision during the 3rd international gathering of the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON), now taking place in Jerusalem,
He said that the Ugandan House of Bishops has resolved
to boycott the Lambeth Conference because the Anglican Communion hasn't shown strong leadership on the issue of homosexuality.
The pronouncement is a blow to attempts by the
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby to unite the Anglican Communion ahead of 2020's Lambeth Conference, in London.  It comes at the backdrop of divisions between conservatives and liberals in the worldwide Communion over the issue of homosexuality.

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