voice of kamwenge

voice of kamwenge

Monday, July 9, 2018

Parliament to reconvene to review the social media and Mobile money tax|Vok News

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Parliament will reconvene next Wednesday to review the social media tax and mobile money tax that has caused a nationwide uproar.  The Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadagahas announced the programme after receiving petitions from Makerere University Students and Mobile Money dealers.

The two groups appealed to parliament to reconsider removing the 200 Shillings on social media and the 1 percent deduction on mobile money transactions which came into effect on July 1, 2018.

Led by Samuel Obedgiu, the student Minister for Culture and Mobilization at Makerere University, a section of students described the social media tax as double taxation considering that Ugandans are already subjected to a 15 percent indirect tax on airtime.
Abel Eseru, another student from Makerere University said that several students access scholarship opportunities on social media and that the new tax will stand in their way if it's maintained.  
Marion Kirabo, a law student from Makerere University said that many students and youth use social media platforms to market their products and for exposure.

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