voice of kamwenge

voice of kamwenge

Thursday, July 5, 2018

7PM NEWS: Joram Kabuye news live, Mobile money tax war and LC 1 Polls| Vok live

Government has declared July 10th a public holiday across the country to allow all Ugandans to participate in the village council elections.
The Minister of Local Government has urged citizens to turn up in big numbers to vote in the upcoming Local Council elections.
The Inspector General of Police, Martin Okoth Ochola has directed the reinstatement of three ranks that were abandoned more than ten years ago.
Broadcasters have pledged to clean up their houses and do the right things in order to improve and develop the broadcasting sector.
Four mobile money agents have been arrested by Police in Kampala for protesting against the Mobile Money tax.
Equatorial Guinea's president has declared a general amnesty for all political prisoners.

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