voice of kamwenge

voice of kamwenge

Monday, July 30, 2018

High turnout in first post-Mugabe poll in Zimbababwe|Vok News

Former Zimbabwe president R. Mugabe ahead of polls
Voter turnout was high in Zimbabwe’s first general election since long-serving ruler Robert Mugabe was ousted, officials say.
Foreign observers have hailed the election as an opportunity for Zimbabwe to break with its repressive past.  The presidential election is expected to be a tight contest between the incumbent Emmerson Mnangagwa and his main rival Nelson Chamisa.
In Domboshawa village, about an hour’s car ride north of the capital, Harare, many had been in the queue even before sunrise. The first groups of voters were mainly elderly people but there were some youngsters too.
Crowds whistled and broke into chants of Chamisa when the 40-year-old MDC leader cast his ballot on the outskirts of Harare, amidst a media scrum.                                In contrast, Mnangagwa, thought to be 75, voted in a quiet polling station at a school in the central city of Kwekwe.

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