voice of kamwenge

voice of kamwenge

Thursday, July 5, 2018

NEEMA slashes acres of plantations in Nombe wetland Kyenjojo district| Vok News

Image result for eucalyptus in wetland
The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has slashed several acres of crops and eucalyptus trees illegally planted in Nombe Wetland in Kyankwanzi sub-county in Kyenjojo district.  The crops include among others maize, cassava, sugarcanes, Irish potatoes, cabbages and tomatoes.
Julius Bigabwa, the Kyenjojo District Environment Officer, says they decided to slash the crops and trees after warning the wetland encroachers to vacate two years ago in vain. He says the information they got from residents shows that about seven people have farming in the wetlands.
Our reporter visited the wetland yesterday and couldn't trace the encroachers but found newly planted cabbage plants. Bigabwa says the operation will extend to 270 other wetlands in the district.
Isaac Kawonawo, the Kyenjojo Deputy Resident District Commissioner, says the operation is in line with a presidential directive to NEMA to restore all wetlands across the country.
The Kyenjojo District Police Commander, James Kawalya, says they have started a manhunt for the encroachers to face prosecution.

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